Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Orientation Lessons

I will post a video with my pictures and videos either tomorrow or Friday, but for now, here are some facts I have learned in my four days here (they call us four days old).

  1. Ugandan Pizza is gross
  2. Kampala should steal NYC's title as the city that never sleeps. Seriously, shops close around 1 and there is still music playing at 4:30 am on weekdays.
  3. You can buy a full season of any TV show here for only a dollar (any requests??)
  4. Uganda doesn't have crows, instead they have gigantic creatures called Storks that we call Pterodactyls because they're terrifying and huge. They are like crows though that they aren't actually all that dangerous, but they are so ubiquitous in the sky that people are annoyed by them. Here is a picture to show how creepy-looking they are.
  5. Ugandans say the letter "r" like "l". So my last name is pronounced Nollis.
  6. It is rude to make eye contact with someone when you are speaking to them here. You are supposed to look around at other things. This will be hard for me because usually when I'm doing that in conversation it means I'm not paying attention. 
  7. There is a very minute difference between the Luganda pronunciation of water and shit (which is considered a very rude curse word.) Water is amazzi, and shit is amazii. Really afraid I might accidentally order a bottle of poop at a restaurant. 
That's it for now. Good afternoon to everyone in the states! It's midnight here so I'm going to sleep. I hope to post again soon!


  1. Those birds are pretty cool- but they look like they could carry you off! Can't wan't to hear what you learn next- you're almost 5 days old!

  2. "Nollis" is still better than "Normis" Maddie.

  3. OMG Maddie this blog is so awesome -- what an experience you are having! those birds are scary as f--k!
